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20-12-2016 à 06:28:24
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The War Powers Resolution was created to help define the role of the president regarding military engagements abroad. Landmark Cases Series: Slaughterhouse Cases - Legacy (2:22) Former U. Des Moines lawsuit filed against an Iowa school district which had punished students for wearing armbands to school in protest of the Vietnam War in 1965. Citizen Rights and Constitutional Protections (7:10) Flex Your Rights Director Steve Silverman talked about citizen protections in dealing with the criminal justice system, especially when dealing with encounters, apprehensions and stops by the police. Vague Laws Require Rule-making Process (4:04) Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) discusses the impact of the Dodd-Frank financial regulations. S. Hamiltonianism versus Jeffersonianism (4:02) Historian Gordon Wood explains the difference between the views of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson with relation to the nature of government. Ohio. Ohio. pork industry will face in the next 10-20 years. S. Carr - The The Second Conference, Decision, and Dissent (7:52) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith talked about the second conference, the decision of the court, as well as the dissent from Justice Felix Frankfurter. S. Solicitor General Paul Clement and UMD History Professor Michael Ross on the heart of the case, including the slaughterhouses using the equal rights protection of the 14th Amendment against what they deemed hostile state laws. Sullivan, Former Director of the U. Constitution with those of the 50 states, and critiques its limitations. On May 1 he delievered a statement about the covert operation carried out by SEAL team 6, and the death of Osama Bin Laden. Carr. plays in globalization. Senate (10:26) Author Justin Wedeking talks about the claim that Supreme Court nominees have become more evasive in recent decades and that this has impacted the political atmosphere of Senate confirmation hearings. S. However, Congress has the constitutional authority and power to declare war. The Process of Redistricting (2:08) Analyst Tim Storey, National Conference of State Legislatures, talks about redistricting. The other three provisions of the law were ruled unconstitutional. Peacekeeping force. Australian Parliament Question Time (6:56) Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and members of his cabinet answered questions from members of his party and the opposition on national security issues. The Role of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force (6:38) Richard Gowan discusses the role of the U. Solicitor General Paul Clement and UMD History Professor Michael Ross talked about the 1873 Supreme Court ruling on the Slaughterhouse Cases, in which the court declined 5-4 to broadly apply the Fourteenth Amendment when New Orleans butchers unions objected to a slaughterhouse monopoly. Senate Filibuster (2:05) Congressional Historian Norman Ornstein discusses the Senate filibuster. Board of Education - Consolidation of Cases (3:05) Tomiko Brown-Nagin and Jeffrey Rosen discuss the cases that comprised the Brown v. Campaign Finance and Free Speech (1:48) Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Hans Von Spakovsky provides examples of historical political speech and how he interprets the issue of Campaign Finance in relation to First Amendment free speech rights. government that explains how the Social Security system works. Government Accountability (5:13) University of Georgia Professor Loch Johnson on government accountability, including traditional schools of thought, and policing the bureaucracy. Sandford - 4 Central Questions (3:31) Martha Jones and Christopher Bracey discuss four key aspects the Supreme Court considered in this case. S. Political Cartoons: Tom Toles on Creating Political Cartoons (3:31) Political Cartoonist Tom Toles talks about his approach to creating his political cartoons through an example of his work. The Role and History of Senate Majority Leaders (8:24) U. Justice Breyer on Judicial Interpretation (3:54) Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer discusses the various elements considered when examining a Supreme Court case. Fiscal Condition of the US Postal Service (5:45) Correspondent Rachel Bade of Congressional Quarterly talked about postal service reform, including legislation, the proposed mail processing centers to be closed, and the suspension of Saturday delivery. Early Voting Issues (05:11) George Mason University professor Michael McDonald talked about early voting issues in the 2012 election, including new voter laws, and early voting policies in various states. New York - Decision (3:24) Professors Randy Barnett and Paul Kens discussed the opinion of the Supreme Court in Lochner v. Slavery and the War of 1812 (5:42) Author Alan Taylor discusses the role and impact of escaped slaves who joined and fought for the British army during the War of 1812. Voting Rights Act (3:24) Guests discuss the history of the Voting Rights Act and the Section 5 provision which says that states and localities with a history of disenfranchising minorities, mainly in the South, must get federal approval before changing their voting procedures. The War Powers Resolution was created to help define the role of the president regarding military engagements abroad. In an attempt to optimize this, science will help us create the most efficient facilities and technologies. Money in Politics (03:55) Author John Nichols talked about the influence of money in elections and politics. House Leadership Elections (3:00) National Journal correspondent Tim Alberta explained the voting process during a House Majority Party Leadership election. Sawyer - Legacy of the Case (1:08) Professors Michael Gerhardt and William Howell discussed the significance and legacy of the case. The Role of the Press Secretary (4:16) Former White House press secretaries speak about their experiences and the role of the press secretary. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. S. Political Coverage of Candidates (6:23) Author and political columnist Matt Bai talked about the role and effects of political coverage of candidates. The Idea of America: Ideals and Values that Shaped America (8:56) Author and historian William White talked about the ideals and values that shaped America, and how these principles have influenced American culture ever since. S. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) talks about international efforts to regulate the Internet. Audio from the oral arguments was included. Political Parties: Libertarianism (2:52) Author Jason Brennan broadly defines three categories of libertarian thinkers as classical liberals, hard libertarians, and neo-classical liberals. Comparing the House and Senate (9:24) Walter Oleszek, specialist for the Congressional Research Service, on the separation of powers, as dictated in the U. S. Texas v Johnson (6:43) Two clips regarding the Supreme Court case of Texas V Johnson - the flag burning case. (7:19) Author Michael Waldman talks about the history of voting rights in the U. U. Wainwright: Case Introduction and Background (11:13) Author Lisa Wroble discusses the background and outcome of the Gideon v. First Women in Congress (3:24) House of Representatives Historian Matthew Wasniewski on the first women members of Congress. The second clip shows an exchange between Donald Trump and former Gov. Extreme Weather Policy Discussion (2:23) A discussion on whether or not recent extreme weather might be attributed to climate change, and responsive policy measures for communities affected by issues such as droughts. Sawyer - Background (5:38) Professors Michael Gerhardt and William Howell talked about the background events and importance of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. However you use them, Bell Ringers will connect your students with real world examples of civics in action. Presidential War Powers (3:42) Lt. Presidential Eligibility Requirements (9:16) House Judiciary Subcommittee discussion on a proposed amendment to the Constitution that would allow a foreign-born person, who has been a citizen for 20 years, to run for president. S. The Role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2:13) Dr. She also examined possible solutions to achieve parity. through the South to challenge illegal segregation laws related to interstate travel. Juvenile Incarceration and Criminal Justice Reform (7:24) Jake Horowitz talked about the recent trends in juvenile incarceration, alternatives to incarceration, and efforts to reduce recidivism. should negotiate with hostage-takers or pay ransoms. Origins of Impeachment (8:37) Author and History Professor David Kyvig discusses the history of impeachment and its implications. Anti-Discrimination Laws and Affirmative Action (5:38) Yale University Law School Professor Vicki Schultz on affirmative action, its relation to Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the various approaches to anti-discrimination laws, and the positions of Supreme Court Justices. The Role of Whip and the Process of Whipping Votes (2:00) Georgetown University Senior Fellow John Haskell talks about the role of the House Whip and the process of whipping votes. The Dred Scott Decision (4:25) A brief description of the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision and its effect on the country. influence in the western hemisphere. The History and Role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (2:39) Mark Jacobson describes the history and role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, including its current role in international politics. Senate (3:43) Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke at the Edward M. NJ and VA Plans and the Constitutional Convention (4:12) Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO, National Constitution Center, talks about the NJ and VA Plans at the Constitutional Convention. International Monetary Fund (7:10) Edwin Truman, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, talks about the role and history of the International Monetary Fund. Federal Election Commission, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. Presidential Speeches in Times of Crisis (5:01) A clip of President Ronald Reagan delivering a speech in the wake of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, followed by a brief discussion on presidential speeches and leadership in times of crisis. Electoral College Vote (5:27) Maryland State Senator Jamie Raskin (D) analyzes the role of the Electoral College and explains his support for legislation, which requires the President be elected by a national popular vote. role in funding the U. Presidential War Powers (3:42) Lt. Gridlock and Separation of Powers (2:26) Justice Antonin Scalia on the 3 branches of government and how the American system of government compares with parliamentary systems of government. Government during the case. However, Congress has the constitutional authority and power to declare war. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings in the U. Political Parties: Kansas Nebraska Act and the Formation of the Republican Party (2:34) Heather Cox Richardson discusses the importance of the Kansas Nebraska Act as it relates to the Republican Party. Board of Education of Topeka (5:34) Justin Sochacki gave a tour of Monroe Elementary School, one of the four formerly segregated schools for African Americans in Topeka, Kansas, and talked about the Brown v. S. , Co-Chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, discussed presidential debates, their history, candidate qualification rules, and the Commission on Presidential Debates. Special Interest Lobbying (2:52) Author Stephanie Vance discussed the potential positives and negatives of having special interest lobby groups in Washington, D. Growth of U. , Co-Chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates, discussed presidential debates, their history, candidate qualification rules, and the Commission on Presidential Debates. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (7:25) Politico Energy Reporter Elana Schor talks about her investigation of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, which is tasked with conducting safety inspections of oil and gas pipelines. All VFD drugs now active in GlobalVetLINK system. S. Martin Luther King (15:27) Felicia Bell and Rickey Brown talk about the Rosa Parks and her impact on the Civil Rights Movement. Sandford - Background (1:30) Professors Martha Jones and Christopher Bracey discussed the background of the Dred Scott case including the feelings about slavery in the United States at the time. Federal Courts vs State Courts (6:45) Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on the roles of Federal Courts and the roles of the State Courts. The Role of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (2:03) FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate on the role of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in providing emergency relief for citizens in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters. Judicial Appointment Process (5:16) Sweet Briar College Professor Barbara Perry spoke about the debate at the Constitutional Convention on the appointment process, and selection of federal judges. Sherrod Brown, chairman of the Senate Banking Sub-Committee, holds a hearing on the stability of financial institutions. S. Citizens United and the 1st Amendment (02:01) Justice Antonin Scalia on Citizens United v. Independent Voters (05:51) Gallup Organization editor-in-Chief Frank Newport talked about a Gallup poll that found the percentage of Americans identifying themselves as political independents increased to 40 percent, the highest Gallup had ever measured. Senate Historian Donald Ritchie discusses the history of the State of the Union address. Senate Role in Judicial Nominations (06:22) Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, talked about the role of the Senate in Supreme Court nominations. The Role and Process of Becoming an Astronaut (7:08) Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield speaks about the process of becoming an astronaut, and his subsequent roles on three missions on the International Space Station. New York - History of the Bake Shop Act of 1895 (2:43) Stuart Lehman, New York State Capitol Assistant Curator, explains the origin of the Bake Shop Act of 1895. Arizona. Electoral College (2:32) Roger Simon, Politico Chief Political Columnist, talked about the effect of the Electoral College on Presidential Elections. United States, and the 6-3 decision that Executive Order 9066 was lawful. Prevention of Bullying (6:24) Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius spoke to the Education Department Bullying Prevention Summit about government efforts to curb bullying in schools. Variation will continue to drive these growing companies crazy. S. The History of the U. Carr - Parties Involved (2:19) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith talked about the parties involved in this case. Citizen Rights and Constitutional Protections (7:10) Steve Silverman, Executive Director of Flex Your Rights, talked about citizen protections in dealing with the criminal justice system, especially when dealing with encounters, apprehensions and stops by the police. S. Presidential Speechwriting (9:43) Craig Smith talks about his experiences and explains the role of speechwriters in presidential elections. Campaign Finance and the Citizens United Decision (03:56) Attorney Michael Carvin on the Citizens United decision allowing corporations to spend unlimited funds in political campaigns. Supreme Court Justices and the Decision Making Process (8:13) Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan discusses the decision making process on the Supreme Court. John Lewis (D-GA) describes the events leading up to the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington. Ohio - Legacy (3:06) Professor Renee Hutchins talks about the impact of this case on policing. Wade. Board of Education - Reactions to the Decision (3:26) Professor Tomiko Brown-Nagin and National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen discuss the different reactions around the country to the Brown v. Electoral College Vote (5:27) Maryland State Senator Jamie Raskin (D) analyzes the role of the Electoral College and explains his support for legislation, which requires the President be elected by a national popular vote. S. C. United States - Legacy (5:17) Peter Irons and Karen Korematsu discuss the legacy of the Korematsu v. Politics (05:28) Author and AEI Resident Scholar Norm Ornstein on the polarization of the U. Kennedy Institute in Boston about the state of the U. Wade. Presidential Pardons (4:23) Author Jeffrey Crouch spoke about presidential pardons and executive authority. Pathogens 101: Manure and Veterinary Pathogens of Concern Webinar. S. The 1974 Budget Act and Modern Budget Process (2:24) Paul Krawzak talked about the 1974 Budget Act, the reasons Congress decided to reform the budget process, and the modern budget process. Vietnam War Protests (11:03) Vietnam War Activist Patrick Quinn, Author David Maraniss, and Madison Mayor Paul Soglin discuss the Vietnam War protests during the 1960s. Topics included race relations, college affordability and student debt, the economy, and youth voter participation rates. South Carolina (9:08) Bobby Donaldson and Isaac Washington talked about the Edwards v. S. Walter Narramore discussed Presidential war powers, including the Constitutional justifications and the role of Congress. Green discussed the evolution and impact of third parties in the United States. James Madison and the Bill of Rights (10:42) Historian and Author Linda Monk on James Madison and the battle he faced in supporting the Bill of Rights. He discussed the number of days members of Congress actually spend in Washington, the legislative process, and the need for more bipartisan meetings. The Declaration of Independence as Law (1:40) Constitutional Law Proeffsor Kermit Roosevelt discussed his views on whether the Declaration of Independence should be considered law. The case was decided by the Supreme Court in 1969. Board of Education decision as well as reactions by certain members of Congress. S. Senate Historian Don Ritchie discussed the role and history of the position of Senate Majority Leader. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani (7:33) Afghan President Ashraf Ghani addressed a joint meeting of Congress and spoke about the future of the country. Wade, Webster v Reproductive Health Services, and Stenberg v Carhart. Civil Asset Forfeiture (2:36) Dick Carpenter talked about money the federal government and the states bring in through civil asset forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to seize property and money without pressing criminal charges. South Carolina (9:08) Bobby Donaldson and Isaac Washington talked about the Edwards v. Landmark Cases Series: Slaughterhouse Cases - Reconstruction in New Orleans and Case Background (2:55) Former U. Constitution. Des Moines (6:55) Petitioner Mary Beth Tinker and American University Law Professor Maryam Ahranjani discuss the Tinker v. The FDA and Food Safety Laws (4:06) Center for Public Integrity reporters Chris Young and Erin Quinn discuss the Food and Drug Administration and food safety laws. The Role of the Inspector General in Federal Agencies (4:31) John Rymer, Inspector General of the Department of Defense, discusses the role of his office in identifying efficient economic operations for Defense Department programs, as well as policing the waste, fraud, and abuse of government funding and property. Judicial Appointment Process (5:16) Sweet Briar College Professor Barbara Perry spoke about the debate at the Constitutional Convention on the appointment process, and selection of federal judges. The Significance of Presidential Debates (3:46) Guests discuss the significance of the Presidential Debates, including their impact on voters and the overall election. S. He is the first U. Electoral Vote Counts (3:04) The electoral votes from each state are officially counted in front of a joint session of Congress led by the President of the Senate (Vice-President) who then announces the results. European Philosophy and the Origins of Modern Political Theory (10:49) Author and columnist George Will on the relationship between European philosophy and modern American political thought, including a compressed history of the philosophical views of Machiavelli, Luther, Descartes, and Hobbes. election process. The History of Voting Rights in the U. The Presumption of Liberty (2:30) Author Timothy Sandefur discussed the concepts of liberty and individual rights in the United States. C. Constant DNA typing and mapping will be needed along with crop monitoring (feedstuffs) in order to facilitate the most precise nutritional programs. The Role of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (2:32) Dan Freedman talked about the role of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms including the range of their activities on gun regulations. Constitution forbids state government officials from forcing a crowd to disperse when they are otherwise legally marching in front of a state house. Board of Education - Legacy of the Decision (5:37) National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen and Professor Tomiko Brown-Nagin discussed the legacy of the Brown v. In 1975, Erwin Simants murdered six members of the Kellie family in Sutherland, Nebraska, resulting in a media frenzy from all across the state. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on the U. The History and Procedure of the Electoral College (3:42) Senate Historian Don Ritchie discusses the history and procedure of the Electoral College. S. S. Jackie Robinson and the Civil Rights Movement (5:04) Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns discussed Jackie Robinson, his breaking of the color barrier in Major League Baseball, and its impact on the Civil Rights Movement. Senate Historian Donald Ritchie discusses the history of the State of the Union address. Political Parties: The Founding of the Tea Party Patriots (1:51) Jenny Beth Martin, President and co-founder, talks about founding the Tea Party Patriots. Walter Narramore discussed Presidential war powers, including the Constitutional justifications and the role of Congress. Hostage Policy (4:59) Former FBI Negotiator Gary Noesner talked about U. Committee Proceedings (11:38) A contentious exchange between a witness and a Representative at a House Natural Resource Committee hearing on drilling for oil and gas in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). S. Constitution. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings in the U. History of the Democratic Process (07:40) Akhil Reed Amar and Richard Pildes talked about the evolution of the democratic process, the reasons for the creation of the Electoral College, and the establishment of a bipartisan system and political parties in the United States. New York, as well as the main arguments presented. United States - The Espionage Act of 1917 (2:56) Beverly Gage and Thomas Goldstein discuss the Espionage Act and its impact on World War I. The History and Procedure of the Electoral College (3:42) Senate Historian Don Ritchie discusses the history and procedure of the Electoral College. Frederick: Case Introduction and Background (2:29) Author James Foster describes the events that led to the Morse v Frederick Supreme Court case. Improving Congressional Effectiveness (7:06) John Fortier talked about a Bipartisan Policy Center report on ways to improve congressional effectiveness. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (1:20) Malcolm Turnbull spoke to reporters about his vision for Australia following his election defeat of previous Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Emergency Presidential Powers (3:40) Author Chris Edelson discusses Emergency Presidential Powers taken in the name of national security. ), and also to offer their big picture view of the pork industry in 2015-25. S. United States - Heart of the Case (2:14) Peter Irons and Karen Korematsu discuss the heart of the 1944 Supreme Court case Korematsu V. The Role of the Attorney General (2:25) Georgetown University Law Professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz on the role of the Attorney General as the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government. United States - Modern Free Speech and the Supreme Court (2:38) Attorney Tom Goldstein and Professor Beverly Gage discussed modern free speech and the Supreme Court, as well as the legacy of the Schenck v. The Dred Scott Decision (4:25) Edna Greene Medford, Howard University History Professor, provides a brief description of the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision and its effect on the country. Delegates to the Constitutional Convention (8:26) Ray Smock, Director, Robert C. Peacekeeping force and the U. Ohio - The History of the 4th Amendment (4:52) Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talked about the history of the 4th Amendment, why it was included in the Bill of Rights, and its role in the Supreme Court case Mapp v. Lochner (1:54) Former Justice Albert Rosenblatt, New York State Court of Appeals, provides background on this case prior to it being heard in the U. United States - Prejudice Against Asian Immigrants Prior to 1940 (4:00) Peter Irons and Karen Korematsu discuss prejudice against Asian immigrants prior to the beginning of World War II. Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing (06:29) The Reverend Arthur Price talked about the history of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and the bombing of the church that occurred on Sunday, September 15, 1963. Madison - The Significance of the Decision (1:31) Author Cliff Sloan and Yale Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar explain the significance of the Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Supreme Court Associate Justices Anthony Kennedy and Stephen G. Gerrymandering (3:46) Columbia Law School Professor Nathaniel Persily discusses the history of redistricting and gerrymandering in the United States. Drones and 4th Amendment (4:32) Representative Ted Poe (R-TX) on the Constitutionally protected privacy rights of U. S. Gospel Music and African-American History (4:45) Robert Darden discusses the history of gospel music and its role in African-American history. Morse v. Citizens United and the 1st Amendment (2:01) Justice Antonin Scalia on Citizens United v. U. Author Harlow Giles Unger discussed the importance of the system of checks and balances in the United States. Constitution and Bill of Rights Debate (7:56) Author Richard Brookhiser talks about the debate over including a Bill of Rights in the U. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. S. Solicitor General Paul Clement and UMD History Professor Michael Ross discussed the decision of the Slaughterhouse Case and the impact it had in the United States going forward. Political Cartoons: Women and the Ten Dollar Bill (1:57) Political Cartoonist Tom Toles shares his political cartoon on women and the ten dollar bill. political system and how our political culture differs from that of England. The Federal Deficit (4:40) Former Senator Alan Simpson (R-WY) on the effects of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and defense spending on the Federal deficit. Over 50 individuals shared their insight and foresight. United States - United States Involvement in World War I (4:04) Beverly Gage provides background information on the United States involvement in World War I. Social Security (5:52) A 1952 film produced by the U. Wade - Second Oral Argument (3:09) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the oral arguments during the rehearing of the Supreme Court case Roe v. The Constitution and the Presidency (3:41) Former Reagan Administration Attorney General Edwin Meese on the U. Presidential Campaign Fundraising Regulations (3:23) Sheila Krumholz, Executive Director, Center for Responsive Politics, talked about campaign fundraising rules and regulations for declared and undeclared presidential candidates. U. State and Local Tax Systems (4:18) Matthew Gardner, Executive Director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, talks about the fairness of state and local tax systems. Constitution, as well as the operation of government within the parameters set forth in the U. Topics included deportation policy and facts on U. S. Trans-Atlantic and Inter-State Slave Trade in the U. S. Arizona including the Constitutional issues and its historical and cultural significance. Reconstruction Era: The Black Codes (3:45) University of Maryland History Professor Michael Ross discusses the Black Codes during the Reconstruction era. The Federal Court System (6:38) Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor discusses the differences in being a judge for the District, Appellate, and Supreme Court, as well as the role of each court system. S. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies, Independence Hall, discusses the Constitutional Convention. United States - Key Questions and Decision (3:23) Attorney Tom Goldstein and Professor Beverly Gage discussed the questions before the Supreme Court in Schenck v. S. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. The History of the State of the Union Address (13:05) U. Portions of the oral arguments are also played. Landmark Cases Series: Slaughterhouse Cases - Reconstruction Era Background (6:04) Former U. Chief Justice Roberts also talked about ways in which the Constitution had been interpreted and its function as a working document. (6:13) Museum Director Nichole Green discusses the old slave mart and the trading of slaves in the port city of Charleston, SC, during the first half of the 19th century. Ham for all seasons: New research looks at how to increase whole-ham sales year-round. History of the New Hampshire Primary (05:07) Michael Chaney, New Hampshire Political Library President and CEO, talked about the history and role of the New Hampshire primary. Video footage highlights the operation of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government by providing footage of several recent events and activities such as presidential inaugurals, impeachment proceedings, legislative events, and Supreme Court oral arguments. Wade - The Decision (2:44) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the decision in the Supreme Court case Roe v. It was eventually repealed with the 21st Amendment in 1933. Whole carcasses will be transported in specially equipped trucks to designated, value-added processing plants. Wade - Historical Context (6:14) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the background and historical context of the Supreme Court case Roe v. Carr - One Person, One Vote (4:16) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith talked about the subsequent Supreme Court cases on reapportionment following the Baker v. Freedom of Information Act (3:14) Ted Bridis, News Editor for the Associated Press, explains the Freedom of Information Act and its history. This section of the website is designed to enhance social studies curriculums by providing teachers with brief video clips of C-SPAN programming. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. e. Justice Clarence Thomas on Judicial Review (6:26) Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas discusses the origins of judicial review and his philosophy on judicial interpretation. Political Parties: The Know Nothing Party (3:32) Author Terry Golway talks about the Know Nothing Party and Tammany Hall. Evolution of Vice Presidential Power (4:24) New York University Professor of Public Service Paul Light discusses the history and growth of Vice Presidential power in the 20th and 21st centuries. Modern Presidential Campaign Strategy (06:02) Jim Messina, Campaign Manager for President Obama, discussed their Presidential election strategy, including the technology developed for his re-election campaign. Each clip contains a brief summary, key vocabulary terms, and related discussion questions. Arizona - Introduction (2:06) Jeff Rosen and Paul Cassel introduced the Supreme Court case Miranda v. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on the positives and negatives of Congressional Earmarks. Carr - Two Questions Before the Court (3:42) Author Douglas Smith talks about the attorneys who argued this case. You can further explore a topic by using one of the activities on our C-SPAN Classroom Deliberations page with your students. Citizenship and Naturalization (2:51) American Immigration Lawyers Association Chairwoman Sonal Verma describes the process for an immigrant to become a U. hostage policy, including whether the U. In the case, the Supreme Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. Wade - The First Conference (3:47) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the first conference following the oral arguments and the decision to rehear the case. Focus was given to how the lobby groups can benefit the political process, as well as reasons for their negative perception. Day-to-Day Congressional Operations (8:48) David Hawkings, Senior Editor of Roll Call, talked about the day-to-day operations in the House and Senate and the role of different officials, including the Parliamentarian, the Clerk of the House, and Sergeant at Arms. immigration populations and their impact on cities. The Townsend Plan and Social Security (5:16) Craig Hendricks talked about Francis Townsend, a Long Beach resident who proposed federal assistance for seniors in the 1930s. Senate Filibuster and Reasons for Reform (10:15) Attorney Emmet Bondurant discusses the Senate Filibuster and explains his opposition to it. Spirit of the Law and Judicial Interpretation of Statutes (7:18) Justice Scalia and Judge Robert Katzmann on how the Judicial branch interprets statutes. and State Constitution Comparison (5:42) Author and Harvard University Law Professor Sanford Levinson compares the U. The Origins of the NAACP (3:53) Library of Congress Curator Adrienne Cannon talks about the origin of the NAACP. Ohio - The Decision (6:30) Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talk about how the Supreme Court Justices decided the case. S. Independence of the Supreme Court (7:22) Professor Anna Harvey discussed the independence of the Judiciary and the influence of the U. Constitution, the 3 branches of government, and the powers defining the role of the Executive Branch. Virginia Declaration of Rights (4:38) Author Richard Brookhiser talks about George Mason and the creation of the Virginia Declaration of Rights. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (5:58) In our Constitution, the position of Commander in Chief of the armed forces is reserved for the President of the United States. Justice Stephen Breyer on Judicial Interpretation (3:54) Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer discusses the various elements considered when examining a Supreme Court case.

Trade Policy (6:30) Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue on U. Birmingham Civil Rights Campaign (2:31) Activist Frank Dukes shares his experiences during a Birmingham Civil Rights Campaign. Secret Service, describes the various roles and responsibilities of the United States Secret Service. He goes on to discuss the separation of powers, including differences between the House and Senate, and their role and relationship with the Executive Branch. S. Dockum Drug Store Sit-In (9:46) Activists Carol Hahn and Galyn Vesey talk about the Dockum Drug Store sit-in in which they participated in 1958. Marbury v Madison (2:51) Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer on the Constitution and the effects of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. These offices will house the technological equivalent of a cockpit in a modern fighter jet, monitoring all the critical factors affecting hog growth. Constitution. Washington and Tuskegee Institute (5:40) Professor Chester Fontenot talks about the legacy of Booker T. Morse v. Landmark Cases Series: Slaughterhouse Cases - The Decision (1:28) Former U. Carr - Background of the Case (2:30) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith talked about the background of the Baker v. S. S. Federal Government, as defined in the U. Preamble of the Constitution (3:06) Author Brion McClanahan discusses the writing of the Preamble and its purpose in the U. The Federalist Papers and Judicial Review (1:59) Yale Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar briefly explains the Federalist Papers and Judicial Review. Carr - The First Conference (3:37) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith talked about the conference following the first oral arguments that resulted in the need to reargue the case. The Bill of Rights (7:01) Author Richard Brookhiser explains the history of the Bill of Rights. The History of the State of the Union Address (13:05) U. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. The case resulted from a protest on March 2, 1961, when 187 peaceful civil rights protestors were arrested at the South Carolina State House. Constitution. Ohio - The Exclusionary Rule (2:11) Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talk about the application of the Exclusionary Rule. S. The Idea of America: Ideals and Values that Shaped America (8:56) Author and historian William White talked about the ideals and values that shaped America, and how these principles have influenced American culture ever since. New York - New York State Court of Appeals: People v. Madison, in which the Court ruled unanimously that it was the ultimate arbiter of the Constitutional validity of laws, establishing the principle of judicial review. Of these thousands, only 80-100 get heard during a term. The Role of the United Nations (3:22) Richard Gowan and Brett Schaefer discuss the role of the United Nations, and U. Solicitor General Paul Clement and UMD History Professor Michael Ross discussed the legal questions and arguments before the Court in the Slaughterhouse Case, as well as the impact of the decision. S. S. N. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Senate Historian Emeritus Richard Baker discussed the 17th amendment and the effect that the direct election of Senators had on the body. House of Representatives on the judicial branch. (. U. swine health, genetics, meat quality, etc. Solicitor General Paul Clement and UMD History Professor Michael Ross discuss New Orleans after the Civil War and the tumult in the city resulting from racial integration, as well as the Slaughterhouses and butchery trade that was thriving in the heart of the city. The Presidency and the Constitution (05:26) Former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and law professor Douglas Kmiec talked about the office of the president, the balance of power, and the Constitution. Citizen. The Internet and the 1st Amendment (3:29) Rep. S. S. In this video, the Justices talk about the process of how they select the cases that will come before the Supreme Court. Constitution forbids state government officials from forcing a crowd to disperse when they are otherwise legally marching in front of a state house. This was one of the earliest examples of this type of civil rights protest in the U. Isolationism (6:33) New Republic magazine Editor John Judis on the geopolitical considerations of foreign policy, and interventionism vs. Federalism Issues (6:03) Two clips discussing the concept of federalism as well as several policy issues in conflict between state and federal governments. Senate Historian Donald Ritchie discusses the history of the State of the Union address. In the three accompanying videos, Ken Burns, documentary filmmaker, speaks about Prohibition in America. S. Jeb Bush (R-FL) from a Republican primary debate with audience reactions. A select group of were asked to share their thoughts about the major challenges and opportunities the U. Secret Service, describes the various roles and responsibilities of the United States Secret Service. South Carolina the Supreme Court of the United States held that the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U. United States and the majority opinion written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Sullivan, and its effect on the media, and the Civil Rights Movement. Wade - Impact and Legacy (2:24) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the societal impact and legacy of the Supreme Court case Roe v. S. Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment (3:14) Professor Paul Butler discusses the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Thomas Frieden on the history and role of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Corporate Treasuries, Job Creation, Manufacturing, and Trade (2:00) Leo Hindery on corporate treasuries, job creation, manufacturing, and US-Chinese trade. These industry leaders were asked to focus on their area of expertise (i. Carr - Significance of the Case (6:02) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith explain why this case was significant to the country. United States - Significance (0:35) Thomas Goldstein explains why this case is important in U. Citizen. United States - 2 Central Questions and the Case Decision (4:13) Peter Irons and Karen Korematsu discuss the two central questions before the Court in Korematsu v. Sawyer - The Path to the Supreme Court (6:10) Professors Michael Gerhardt and William Howell talked about how the. S. Sandford - Legacy (1:36) Professors Martha Jones and Christopher Bracey discussed the legacy of the Dred Scott case and how the decision is seen today. The History of the White House (6:51) An overview of the history of the White House, including its construction overseen by George Washington, and the early years in which John Adams became the first President to inhabit the house. Presidential Eligibility Requirements (9:16) Discussion on a proposed amendment to the Constitution that would allow a foreign-born person, who has been a citizen for 20 years, to run for president. History of the Presidential Primary System (07:08) Akhil Reed Amar and Richard Pildes talked about the history of presidential primaries in the U. Bell Ringers can be used to start class, as an in-class activity, or as a homework assignment to introduce a new topic. Wade - Background and Legal Process (5:53) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the background events involving Norma McGorvey and the early legal process of the case. Solicitor General Paul Clement and UMD History Professor Michael Ross talked about the black codes and the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments during the Reconstruction Era after the end of the Civil War. The Role of Supreme Court Law Clerks (5:52) Former Supreme Court clerks Pratik Shah and William Jay describe the typical role of a Supreme Court clerk and share personal experiences from their time clerking for Justices Breyer and Scalia. North Little Rock High School Integration (6:29) A short vignette featuring Civil Rights activist Richard Lindsey discussing his personal experience as a student in 1957, attempting to integrate with white students at the then racially segregated North Little Rock High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Ohio - The Background of the Case (6:43) Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talked about the background of Dollree Mapp and the events that led to the Supreme Court Case Mapp v. In this video, the Justices talk about the process of how they select the cases that will come before the Supreme Court. S. President Andrew Jackson and Worcester v Georgia (2:22) Justice Stephen Breyer discusses the Supreme Court case of Worcester v Georgia. N. Presidential Speechwriting (9:43) Craig Smith talks about his experiences and explains the role of speechwriters in presidential elections. Carr case. Madison - The Election of 1800 (6:01) Author Cliff Sloan and Yale Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar discussed the events and significance of the Election of 1800. S. S. The Role and Regulation of Lobbyists (14:52) American League of Lobbyists president Howard Marlowe and former president David Wenhold talk about the role of lobbyists, and lobbying the federal government. Wade. S. Globalization and the Interdependence of Governments (3:40) Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice discusses globalization and the role the U. (3:23) Pew Research Center Public Research Director Carroll Doherty discussed a study his organization conducted examining party affiliation in the U. You will find the clips separated into sixteen categories commonly studied in social studies curriculums. Landmark Cases Series: Slaughterhouse Cases - The Impact and Legal Questions of the Case (2:13) Former U. Col. Senate (10:26) Author Justin Wedeking talks about the claim that Supreme Court nominees have become more evasive in recent decades and that this has impacted the political atmosphere of Senate confirmation hearings. Stuart (11:06) Author Mark Scherer talks about the precedent set in this Supreme Court case as it relates to the First and Sixth Amendments. S. Jim McGovern (D-MA) discusses his thoughts on partisanship, coalitions, and compromise. S. Arizona. Senate. Financial Industry Reform and Regulation (5:22) Treasury Secretary Jack Lew talked about the importance of financial industry regulation and the effort to more closely regulate Wall Street in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Sandford - Background Continued (5:00) Professors Martha Jones and Christopher Bracey provide background information on the Dred Scott v. Mobile CO 2 chambers, rendering trucks and refrigerated transport will reduce or eliminate animal welfare and meat quality issues associated with current live animal transport. The 18th Amendment and Prohibition (4:58) Prohibition, which banned the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol in our country, went into effect in 1920 with the passage of the 18th Amendment. Political Parties: The History of Third Parties (1:36) Author Donald J. Stuart (11:06) Author Mark Scherer talks about the precedent set in this Supreme Court case as it relates to the First and Sixth Amendments. Frederick: Case Decision (6:49) Author James Foster explains the arguments and decision of the Morse v Frederick Supreme Court case. economy. S. S. Euro-Zone Financial Crisis and American Recession (3:39) Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) compares the financial crisis facing the euro-zone with the U. Federalism and Immigration (5:04) Representative Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) states his objections to one of the provisions upheld in the the Supreme Court ruling of Arizona v US. S. South Carolina the Supreme Court of the United States held that the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U. Immigration and Border Security in Arizona (4:23) Former Arizona State Representative Russ Jones discusses immigration and the role of border security in San Luis, Arizona. The Federalist Papers (8:07) Mark Dimunation of the Library of Congress Rare Book and Special Collections Department provides an overview of the Federalist Papers. Incumbent Advantage (1:40) Politico Correspondent Dave Levinthal discussed the reasons why incumbents have a built in advantage during an election. United States - Background (4:38) Guests present and discuss the flier that was produced by Charles Schenck and how this case made its way to the Supreme Court. Over 50 individuals shared their insight and foresight. S. Presidential Campaigning (12:39) President Barack Obama speaks at an event in Roanoke, VA and Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at an event in Portsmouth, VA during the 2012 presidential campaign. Supreme Court Oral Arguments (7:42) Several justices of the Supreme Court discuss the process and importance of the oral arguments during a Supreme Court case. The Role of the Court under the Constitution (2:01) Chief Justice John Roberts on the role of the Supreme Court under the U. The Significance of Presidential Debates (3:46) Guests discuss the significance of the Presidential Debates, including their impact on voters and the overall election. The Number of Sitting Justices on the Supreme Court (3:20) New York Times Supreme Court Correspondent Adam Liptak on the history and role of the president and Congress in deciding the number of justices that sit on the Court, as well as the purpose of the judicial nomination process in appointing justices, as opposed to publicly electing them. Citizenship and Naturalization (2:51) American Immigration Lawyers Association Chairwoman Sonal Verma describes the process for an immigrant to become a U. Eminent Domain (3:45) Professor Steven Eagle talked about eminent domain, including the definition of the term and ways that federal and state governments are able to use this power. U. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (5:58) In our Constitution, the position of Commander in Chief of the armed forces is reserved for the President of the United States. Ohio - Path to the Supreme Court (1:39) Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talked about the path of the Mapp v. Sandford - Timeline (9:06) Professors Martha Jones and Christopher Bracey discussed the timeline of the Dred Scott Case and how it eventually came before the Supreme Court. Diversity Among Supreme Court Justices (5:32) Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan discusses the importance of diversity among justices of the Supreme Court. New York - The Key Question (2:12) Professor Randy Barnett discussed the key question before the Supreme Court in Lochner v. Wainwright: Case Introduction and Background (11:13) Author Lisa Wroble discusses the background and outcome of the Gideon v. citizens and the use of domestic spy drones. isolationism. Backgrounds of Supreme Court Justices (3:44) National Law Journal Supreme Court Correspondent Tony Mauro discussed the backgrounds of the Supreme Court Justices and how they impact the court. The Articles of Confederation: Overview and Powers (3:01) JMU Professor Christ Arndt discusses the creation of Articles of Confederation, including the powers it gave to the federal and state governments. S. Fahrenkopf Jr. Political Parties: Third Party Candidates (4:37) Discussion about the role of third parties in American politics, including a clip of Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson accepting his parties nomination. Col. Board of Education - The Key Question and Decision (2:57) National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen discussed the key question before the Supreme Court, the decision of the Court, and the process of ensuring the decision was unanimous. U. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer case progressed through the lower courts to the Supreme Court as well as the arguments of the U. The Iron Triangle and its Role in Policy Making (0:59) High School teachers Andy Conneen and Dan Larsen explain the iron triangle and its role in policy making. College Graduation Rates (4:07) Kurt Bauman and Jeffrey Selingo discuss education and the increasing number of college graduates in the U. New Members of Congress Orientation and Transition (4:27) Bradford Fitch, President and CEO of Congressional Management Foundation, talked about the orientation sessions for the new members of Congress and what to expect in the transition. S. Presidential Politics and Campaign Civility (3:45) Author Kenneth Davis on presidential politics and campaign civility in early American history. The Origins of the Supreme Court (3:35) Former Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse on the origins and evolution of the Supreme Court. S. S. Political Parties: The Modern Two-Party System (3:03) Iowa State University professor Steffen Schmidt discussed the modern two-party system, including geographic and constituency trends. S. Sawyer - Importance of the Steel Industry (3:00) Professors Michael Gerhardt and William Howell talked about the importance of the steel industry to the U. Justice Antonin Scalia on cameras in the Supreme Court (3:04) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on cameras in the courtroom, and why he is opposed to it. Modern Presidential Campaign Strategy (6:02) Jim Messina, Campaign Manager for President Obama, discussed their Presidential election strategy, including the technology developed for his re-election campaign. Pop-Culture and the Presidency (6:03) Author Tevi Troy discusses American pop-culture and the evolving role it has played in helping to shape the image of presidential candidates. New York, as well as the dissenting opinion of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Arizona - Ernesto Miranda Background and History of Police Tactics (7:31) Jeff Rosen and Paul Cassel talked about the history of police tactics, the background of Ernesto Miranda, and the events that led to the Supreme Court case Miranda v. The Process of Redistricting (2:08) Analyst Tim Storey, National Conference of State Legislatures, talks about the process of redistricting. S. The Age of Current Supreme Court Justices (1:57) National Law Journal Supreme Court Correspondent Tony Mauro discusses the average age of current Supreme Court Justices and how they compare historically, and why the age of several justices should be a consideration for voters in the 2016 Presidential election. The History of Voting Rights in the U. The Role and Responsibility of the Secret Service (2:14) Mark J. Separation of Powers (8:24) Louis Fisher, Research Director at the Congressional Research Service, explains the separation of powers in each branch of the U. Sullivan: Case Introduction and Background (5:06) Lucy Dalglish and Lee Levine discuss the 50th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court case New York Times v. The Origin of Revenue and Spending Bills, and Rules for their Passage (4:50) Georgetown University Senior Fellow John Haskell on the role of the House and Senate in introducing and passing revenue and spending Bills. Constitution. Supreme Court Justices on the Rule of Law (8:14) U. Of these thousands, only 80-100 get heard during a term. Government Transparency and Cameras in the Supreme Court (5:02) Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal discusses transparency of judicial proceedings and cameras in the Supreme Court. Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Evolving as a Justice (2:59) Speaking to a group of students, Justice Sonia Sotomayor describes her evolution as a Supreme Court Justice. Arizona - Effects of the Miranda Decision (2:48) Paul Cassel and Jeff Rosen discuss effects the decision in this case has had on law enforcement and crime. The English Roots of Democratic Principles (2:28) President Barack Obama speaks to the British Parliament, on May 25, 2011, about the English roots of our democratic principles. Supreme Court. S. Campaign Finance in Presidential Elections (04:03) Robert Kelner, Chairman of Covington and Burling Law Firm, talked about campaign finance following Citizens United v. Constitution, and comparisons between the House and Senate in the Legislative Branch. S. S. A few mid-adapters will survive, but technology will not wait for latecomers. Supreme Court Nomination Process (3:10) Gabe Roth talked about the increased politicization of the nomination process of Supreme Court justices, including possible reasons for the change. Baton Rouge Bus Boycott (07:54) Historian Veronica Freeman and former civil rights attorney Johnnie Jones talked about the 1953 Baton Rouge Bus Boycott. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The Articles of Confederation: Weaknesses (3:26) JMU Professor Christ Arndt discusses the weaknesses and problems of the government created under the Articles of Confederation. S. S. history. National Archives, shares an example of a Clifford K. Celebrity in Chief (8:32) Author Kenneth Walsh appeared at the fall Book festival in Fairfax, Virginia, to discuss his book, Celebrity in Chief, about the evolution of celebrity culture and its impact on American presidents. Sumner, his experience in France, and the impact it had on him when he arrived back in the U. President Harry Truman and the Atomic Bomb (3:05) President Truman announced the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan in a statement on August 6, 1945 while returning to the United States from the Potsdam Conference. Cities (3:45) Mark Perry and Patrick Phillips discuss regional populations shifts and growth within the U. In 1975, Erwin Simants murdered six members of the Kellie family in Sutherland, Nebraska, resulting in a media frenzy from all across the state. In her remarks, she said that reacting to cyber-attacks was good but the focus needed to be on prevention. Madison - 3 Central Questions (4:37) Yale Law Professor Akhil Reed Amar and author Cliff Sloan discuss the Constitutional questions at the heart of the 1803 Supreme Court case Marbury v. Sawyer. Carr - The The Second Oral Argument (6:02) Former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Author Douglas Smith talked about the second oral argument and key points for both sides in the Supreme Court case Baker v. The Supreme Court and 5-4 Decisions Author and Reuters Journalist Joan Biskupic discussed 5-4 decisions in the Supreme Court and the feasibility of possible alternatives to the current majority system. The case resulted from a protest on March 2, 1961, when 187 peaceful civil rights protestors were arrested at the South Carolina State House. Capitol Building. The Role of the Speaker of the House of Representatives (5:14) Author Matthew Green discusses the role and history of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Political Parties: Political Party Affiliation in the U. This growth will trigger difficult challenges in assimilating production systems such as barn and ventilation design, as well as employee culture. S. Federalism Issues (3:39) Two clips discussing the concept of federalism as well as several policy issues in conflict between state and federal governments. Board of Education case made its way to the Supreme Court. The electors had previously met in their respective states to cast their votes for President and Vice President on December 17, 2012. We will possess a better understanding of how the environment and animals interact. Breyer discuss the role of the judiciary in promoting the Rule of Law. Board of Education - Background and Path to the Supreme Court (6:31) Linda Brown Thompson describes her childhood experiences that led to this case. Images of segregated schools that were used in a lower court case are presented and Jeffrey Rosen and Tomiko Brown-Nagin discuss how the Brown v. This bus boycott predates other similar boycotts during the Civil Rights era and was used as a model for those later occurrences. The Direct Election of Senators (3:04) U. Political Parties: The Constitution Party Platform (2:07) Former Constitution Party Presidential Nominee Chuck Baldwin discussed the platform and beliefs of the Constitution Party. Dissenting Opinion (3:18) Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on how a dissenting opinion resulted in legislation. U. Political Parties: The History of Political Parties (2:56) Iowa State University professor Steffen Schmidt discussed the history of political parties from their origins to the present. These companies can expand their processing areas, as their kill sections will be effectively outsourced. S. S. Political Parties: The Prohibition Party (2:26) Iowa State University Professor Steffen Schmidt discussed the history and platform of the Prohibition Party. Sawyer - Two Key Questions (2:15) Professors Michael Gerhardt and William Howell talk about the two key questions the Supreme Court faced in Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Landmark Cases Series: Slaughterhouse Cases - Heart of the Case (3:57) Former U. Senate Role in Judicial Nominations (06:22) Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, talked about the role of the Senate in Supreme Court nominations. A large mob from the convention freed Mr. The Origins of Public Opinion and Politics (2:17) Columnist Richard Brookhiser discusses James Madison and his beliefs in the use of public opinion in politics. S. The Constitutional Convention (4:14) GMU Professor Rosemarie Zabarri gives a brief overview of the Constitutional Convention and the debate over the powers of the Federal Government. S. Capitol Building (4:50) Farar Elliott, House Curator, and Don Ritchie, Senate Historian, discuss the history of the U. trade policy, existing trade agreements, goods and service exports, and what they mean for jobs and the U. The Constitution and the Presidency (3:41) Former Reagan Administration Attorney General Edwin Meese on the U. Ohio - Oral Arguments and Key Question (2:44) Professors Carolyn Long and Renee Hutchins talked about the key question before the court as well as the arguments for each side. Arizona - Questions Before The Court (4:08) Jeff Rosen and Paul Cassell talked about the questions before the Supreme Court and the oral arguments for both sides in the case Miranda v. United States, in which the court ruled 6-3 that Japanese internment camps were necessary for the protection of all citizens during World War II. S. New York - Early 20th Century Working Conditions (6:41) Guests describe working conditions in bake shops at the turn of the 20th Century, the state of the country during the time, and the details of the Bake Shop Act. Executive Orders (3:11) David Abshire, president of the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, talked about the history of executive orders, laws made by presidents that bypass Congress. Vanderbilt University history professor Sarah Igo on the history of political polling in America, including discussion of straw polls, and scientific sampling polls. Cybersecurity (4:52) Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell spoke about Justice Department efforts to address cybersecurity challenges. Brown v. Fahrenkopf Jr. S. The Presidency and the Constitution (05:26) Former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and law professor Douglas Kmiec talked about the office of the president, the balance of power, and the Constitution. president to speak to the House of Lords and House of Commons in Westminster Hall, London, England. Library of Congress 1964 Civil Rights Act Exhibit (7:15) Robert Brammer explains the content of the 1964 Civil Rights Act through the exhibit in the Library of Congress. Sullivan, Former Director of the U. Madison. Political Cartoons: Lame Duck (1:33) David Ferriero, Archivist of the U. United States - Executive Order 9066 (3:44) Archive footage of a government film showing the internment of Japanese Americans after the passage of Executive Order 9066 following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, HI. Polarization of U. The Monroe Doctrine (2:51) Richard Hunt, Archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration, discusses the two parts of the Monroe Doctrine, as delivered in the 1823 Message to Congress, and the reasons President Monroe outlined U. S. S. involvement. Wade - Questions Before the Court and Oral Arguments (3:38) Clarke Forsythe and Melissa Murray talked about the questions before the Supreme Court and the oral arguments in the Supreme Court case Roe v. at the time and the role the government played in the industry. S. The Spoils System vs the Merit System (6:37) George Mason University professor and author James Pfiffner on the spoils system, the merit system, and how they relate to our federal bureaucracy. Board of Education case including the actions of President Eisenhower. The Role and Responsibility of the Secret Service (2:14) Mark J. S. Justice Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court (13:26) Author Charles L. (7:19) Author Michael Waldman talks about the history of voting rights in the U. The Supreme Court and the Death Penalty (1:40) San Diego State University Criminal Justice Professor Paul Kaplan discussed the impact of Supreme Court decisions on the death penalty. Board of Education - Enforcement of the Decision (4:47) National Constitution Center CEO Jeffrey Rosen and Professor Tomiko Brown-Nagin discussed the enforcement of the decision and the process of desegregation following the Brown v. Emergency Presidential Powers (3:40) Author Chris Edelson discusses Emergency Presidential Powers taken in the name of national security. Congressional Term Limits (2:32) Former Representatives Martin Frost (D-TX) and Tom Davis (R-VA) talked about term limits for members of Congress, including potential positive and negative effects. John Marshall and Marbury v Madison (4:11) Author Harlow Giles Unger discussed Chief Justice John Marshall as well as the background and importance of the Marbury v. Landmark Cases Series: Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. economic recession. Ralco mourns the loss of founder, Bob Galbraith. Madison. Constitution, the 3 branches of government, and the powers defining the role of the Executive Branch. Freedom Riders (11:59) Dorothy Walker told the story of the Freedom Riders and their trip from Washington, D. Wade. Many travelers were attacked and arrested along their journey in 1961. S. Birmingham Before the Civil Rights Movement (6:56) Ahmad Ward leads a tour of the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, Alabama and discusses segregation and life for African Americans in the city prior to the Civil Rights Movement. S. S. The History of the State of the Union Address (13:05) U. S. Kelton House and the Un